how do i make it where i can use one key for multiple inputs?

I need to make it where E is used to do things like open doors, and wind a music box. right now i have E to wind a music box and Q to open doors because if i set them both to E they don’t work.

You’re looking for Interfaces:

In short:

  • an interface has a bunch of functions that do little by themselves
  • you implement an Interface on the actor sending messages and on the actor receiving them
  • when a generic E message is sent to an unknown actor, that actor can interpret it any way it wants
  • you can E aBucketActor and you will kick it, and you can E aTreeActor and it will shake because that’s what trees do
  • the kick and the shake are implantations of the interface functions on the pertinent actors

Scroll down to the non-green answer here:

Plenty of examples. And, of course, there’s also YT.