Basically, i watched a bunch of tutorials and was able to implement Wall running, Super Jumps, Grappling and Sprinting. however, i want to make it so that the player only starts with one of these abilities (lets say Sprinting) and unlocks the rest of them later.
Is there any way to lock out mechanics or lock out certain key inputs until the player collides with a certain thing or once they reach a certain point in the game? I’m still pretty fresh to Blueprints
There would be as many ways as there are people. Choosing the method that suits (you) the most would also depend on scope and complexity of the systems you’re developing.
It could be as simple as a false boolean we query when using an ability:
Or perhaps each ability is an Actor Component with Interface Comms; there are 180 abilities in total and the player can learn 120. It would make little sense to add ALL of them at beginning of the game. So we spawn them dynamically when the player learns them.
Since we don’t have any abilities to start with, there isn’t even anything to keep locked… Problem solved.