How do i make it so i can place vectors/objects on the ground where i point on the screen, and they have a ghost box around them, to know where u place them. I want to make them able to damage “Enemies” if they get too close and make the Enemies attack them. Think a bit like a Spike Wall.
This can and does get very complicated. I’m doing something similar in my project (RTs similar to Tropico.) the short answer is to use the node “get location under cursor” to place the mesh where you want. Obviously you need a UI to select a building or mesh and spawn it at your cursor position first. As far as the “ghost” is concerned you only need to create a special mesh, or what I did was just use the glass material in my mesh then when “construction is complete” I change the material to the desired one. It’s a very long and relatively intermediate process and will be hard to show you exact process here. While this may not help you now, I do plan on starting a tutorial series on my channel in the next couple weeks that will go over this exact thing plus some.
Sorry for generic answer but best I can do with such a limited space. Hope this helps though.
Thanks, what is your youtube? Can u link
It’s all just Minecraft with some COD mixed in there but as I said I’ll be doing a long tutorial series on making my current RTS project which will include your placement and ghost question. Hope to see you there when I start it! Should only be within next couple weeks (after kids go back to school.)
i subscribed thanks, i am really looking forward to it (Plz make it newbie friendly, xD i am not the best YET
I will do what I can. I’m generally pretty easy to understand and I try to speak clear and concise. I’m not real advanced yet either but have made pretty good progress on my project and have learned a lot along the way. There’s not many tutorials out there on that particular subject which is why I’ve decided to start the series. One thing about the upcoming series is that while I will try and make it simple and easy to follow, I am going to assume that the audience has some basic understanding on how to use and manipulate UE4 as well as some understanding of basic terminology. Learning the basics is a whole other topic and is covered rather extensively by many others. However, I will be available to help answer any questions along the way; I pride myself in being prompt and attentive to my audience! Take care!