How do i make if HP less than or equal to 0 Set state to dead?

In the bit of code that changes the health state, you have a check, and when it goes below zero, you kill the player ( whatever way you do that ).

Im trying to set a health state for my character for my degree so i need to make it so that if his health hits 0 or goes below it than he dies.

There are a lot of ways you could handle a player dying, you could handle it with a bool sort of like this.
You probably want to trigger it with the damage system so when it receives damage if it takes the player below 0 it flips it kills him.

bool bIsDead = false;

if (Health <= 0)
bIsDead = true;
// Play Animation


if you have different health states you could handle it with an enum that gets set to different values depending on the Health left.

Apologies if this doesn’t answer your question, still working on getting my daily dose of caffeine.