So I tried creating a custom class based on BP Function Libraries - UBlueprintFunctionLibrary - but no matter what I try, I cannot get my new blueprint class to show up in the editor.
I tried replacing GENERATED_BODY() with GENERATED_UCLASS_BODY() - and using a constructor in in CPP file
but I can’t get it to show up even though it compiles fine.
Am I misunderstanding something - or will this method just not work? I really just would like to be able have a blueprint Function which takes simple inputs and calculates a vector position - and I want that calculation to be possible anywhere in the project - since it will be used for reference frame conversion and a lot of static calculations for energy cost, etc.
Are there any good code examples of ways to create globally available BP functions?
Aha - finally - declaring it static worked - but I had to start a fresh project to test it. I’d changed so many things trying to get it to work that I corrupted something.
Also, BlueprintPure needs to be turned on as you’ve shown.