So I’m making controll UI for 2D game.
As I’m trying to add Jump function to UI button, it just won’t work
Am I doing something wrong? or I don’t have all needed blueprints?
Thanks In advance
So I’m making controll UI for 2D game.
As I’m trying to add Jump function to UI button, it just won’t work
Am I doing something wrong? or I don’t have all needed blueprints?
Thanks In advance
Looks like its missing its target.
Messaging works internally and externally. If you don’t set a target it will treat it like a regular internal function call.
if you are trying to message to another blueprint then you need to tell the message where its going.
Let Me Know if you need more help with this.
Also you may just be able to get away with “get owning player” casting to said player and directly calling the jump function.
Thanks a lot! Directly calling jump helped!
You are welcome. Messaging is better used if your passing a metric ton of info to another BP anyway. just calling one function I tend to use the more direct approach.