How do I make characters fall faster?

I have a enemy that’s more on the large side.
I have him jump in the air and land to create a earthquake type of affect.
No matter how high he jumps or no matter what gravity level I set he still falls down sorta slow…for his size at least.
How do I speed that up[ for larger enemies to fall faster?

There are a whole slew of settings to play with in the character movement component settings in the character blueprint, aside from that you could ‘brute force’ it by using the add force node. (pun intended)

I am pretty sure that there is an IsFalling or IsFlying (pure) function which returns if the pawn is falling or in air. When it is true you can just take the up vector. scale it up a little bit and update the velocity.

Here is a small tutor how to do it:

Create a new variable Fall Speed. (It will be the rate that we will scale with)

Set it’s default value to -1200.0 (Negative value).

Then there is an Is Falling pure function which returns true if the character is falling false if its not.

The final blueprint should look something like this:

I hope it helps cheers! :slight_smile:

Lol I’ve honestly tried many settings and can’t get it to fall ANY FAST ER. Could u be more specific? And what exactly is the add force node? That sounds new to me…

This actually does sound correct but I’m a little confused on the terminology. Could you walk me through this please?

I am preparing an example for you. Should be ready soon :slight_smile:

This is excellent!!! I see what you meant by the “is falling” function now. And the impulse makes PERFECT sense. I’m gonna try this in an hour but I’ve used impulses before. I just never through to use them in this manner.
Thank you SO much!!

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I do apologize but after trying this it still doesn’t really affect the falling…
It just adjusts how quick he falls after I have him jump. I’m having him jump WAY up. Should I do this differently? Like setup a time line maybe? I figured jumping would be the easy route but…no.
He still kinda floats down and I have gravity and everything cranked.
Any other ideas? I’m guessing a time line but I dunno how I’ll trigger the animations based on where he’s located at that point…

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I think you’re confused on the way physics works.

I set he still falls down sorta
slow…for his size at least.

Everything falls at the same speed no matter how heavy it is!

I would say try setting up a simple delay with a gate. Also it is just an example, You should have the idea how to do it:)

Thanks for trying to help. I’ve tried EVERYTHING I know how to do including gates with a delay to tell it when to start falling but it just bugs out…This enemy is super complicated. I’m having trouble working it in to the mess of a network allready thanks for trying to help me. I’m gonna have to try something else…

Update your Terminal Velocity in Project Settings/Physics, this is also where World Gravity is located.

By default Terminal Velocity is set to 4000units/s (Centimeters/s) which is 144 KMs/h

5600 would be a humans terminal velocity given -980cm/s gravity

Also, you need to use the Change Velocity Bool on Add Impulse


VERY interesting stuff!! THANKS! I’'ll try it asap.

If you are using the Character Class, switch that Add Force node with a Launch Character node. Give a negative value on the Z axis, go nuts :slight_smile:
Example: - YouTube


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I’ve been trying some different options for controlling the character falling/jumping velocities, and I think that the best way is to set a Gravity Scale value in the Character’s Animation Blueprint that gives a nice falling speed. Then, put the character a JumpZVelocity value that counters that Gravity.

The Gravity makes the falling quite smoother (a nice acceleration and that kind of things), and you can control both the falling (with the Gravity Scale value) and the jumping (with the JumpZVelocity). Of course, you will have to test the falling speed before the jumping speed, for obvious reasons.

Here you have an example that worked for me, hope it helps!

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It might be helpful to abandon the “falling” altogether.

Have the vertical up and down movements as part of the same (or even separate) animations. In this manner you control the speed/velocity/gravity/etc at every moment.

Check out Root Motion.