How do I make animations blend for NPC


So I’ve been trying to setup an NPC, who is just walking around and doing random gestures. I’ve got a few animation packs and they’re all working on the same skeleton. The problem is - when I set up a behaviour tree - character started walking and gesturing but there’s no blend between animations. He just quickly changes position from one stance to another, makes a gesture and goes back to the original animation. A lot of stutter.

How do I fix that?


There are several tricks you can implement for smoother animation blending and transitions. If your animation aren’t additive you need to experiment with different Animation Blend Modes. Moreover, during the Transition Rules you can implement various Blend Settings (see section BlendSettings from the previous link).

I found blendspaces for player character, they tend to smooth out animation of the idle/walk/run. Not a lot of information about how to set up an NPC turning, leaning and stuff. Most of that information player blueprint reads from the mouse, which NPC obviously doesn’t have.