How do I make a specific area dark?

I meant the "shadows " settings scalability

I followed everyoneā€™s instructions on PP volumes and my cave looks like Mousevirusā€™s above as well :frowning: ā€¦

The main things are

  1. Turn off auto exposure

  2. Reduce the skylight ( maybe )

I downloaded the fog sheet blueprint from the Blueprint sample in the UE marketplace, migrated it to my project and made the fog black and it worked ^^

Iā€™m not sure why these didnā€™t work for me. I ended up using a fog sheet instead. Thank you for your reply though ^-^

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For those who still may not have figured it out, what worked for me was Project Settings > Engine > Rendering > Global Illumination and set Dynamic Global Illumination to either Lumen or Screen Space