How do i make a scoreboard for a simple soccer game?

Hello, i’m making a simple 2D soccer game where there are two goals in the map i setup. I made a blueprint in the ball where if it overlaps with either of the goals, i wanted it to make the opposite team get +1 point.
For example the ball overlaps into the net named “RedGoal”, i want the TextRenderActor named “ScoreBlue” (which i typed the default as “0”) to go up one number. I uploaded a screenshot (as an attachment here) of the blueprint to show what i did but whenever i test it, the TextRenderActor just stays the same at 0. Any help i can get will be greatly appreciated!

As much a i can see Set Text is not getting executed because the exec pin is not connected to anything.

Set Text is never being called, as the execution pin is never fired.