How do I make a projectile automatically target a StaticMeshActor?
I don’t want to target it myself, I want to target the nearest MeshActor to the projectile. I’m having a really hard time finding some help.
See how it targets the cup without actually pulling the trigger to target?
EDIT: I solved it.
Uhm, you might be able to do this by creating a hitbox around the projectile that you shot and make the hitbox really big, then when it overlaps with the static mesh just lerp the projectile to the static mesh.
But if u want the projectile to go towards the target closest to the player.
Or maybe you could just make a line trace from the center of the screen and see what mesh is closest. I think you might need to make whatever mesh you wanna home in on, a bp.
Or maybe you could put an invis collision box infront of the player camera and whenever you shoot a projectile line trace to all the different hit able objects in the scene and if the line trace goes through the hit box then home into that object.