How do I make a note pickup for VR users?

Hellooooo! I am working on a horror game and would like the player to be able to interact with notes and be able to read them while using a VR headset. I would like to refrain from the usual GUI element on the screen because I think that would break immersion. The game “Lost in the Rift” does this very well. They have a mesh with the texture of the note and smoothly move it towards the player camera as if the player brought it up to their eyes to read it while being able to look around them without it seeming that the note was pasted to their face. I think that I’ll have a timeline that goes from 0 to 1 and put that value into the alpha of a Lerp. I’d put the note’s initial position into A and where I want it to be in relation to the player in B. Then I have to set the location but I’m not entirely sure which kind of set location node to use. I also have to take care of the rotation but whenever I try that it rotates the object about it’s initial origin and not it’s current one if that makes any sense. I’m curious to see how you guys would do this. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Just use the VR character controller example and it has a “look to interact” blueprint in there, just use that and change the interaction to move the note closer to the players face.

That is useful, but I am unsure on how to do that. Anytime I try to make the blueprint, upon interacting with it the note either disappears or doesn’t move how I’d like it to. I tried just leaving it and just have the player read it when the note is static on the floor but the material when playing in the editor is so blurry it’s illegible. I turned motion blur off so that isn’t the problem. I also turned mipmaps for that texture off so I think it has to do with LODs. My only problem here is being able to see the texture clearly.

There is plenty of tutorials around of how to move actors around so just look at those and use a timeline to transition it’s location in the world. For legible text I would probably look at using UMG and attaching it to the object, that way you can do multi line text fields.