How do I make a multiplayer pause menu?

This is in my controller blueprint. The set input nodes don’t seem to be working.,

What exactly are you attempting to do?

The Set Input Mode nodes only restrict the source of where input can come from when in a specific mode.

If your trying to make your game shift the Controllers focus to an UI Menu so that you dont need to click into it to start interacting with it, you should try the SetFocustoGameViewport node for the Controller and SetUserFocus node for inside a Widget Blueprint.

These nodes and a few others shift the interaction focus to either the GameViewport or a specific Widget.

Please clarify exactly what your trying to do so that we can better answer your issue.

I am trying to make a pause menu for online muliplayer

Try using the other nodes i described above. These should achieve the results your after.

The problem was I didn’t set a target.

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