How do I make a moving level?

Okay, so I’m trying to make a puzzle/adventure game prototype and the level i’m trying to make calls for an action scene that starts from the inside of a moving train to the train’s rooftop. High-speed hilarity ensues.

now my question is, how do i set up this scene?

What I don’t want my scene to resemble like, at least if i can avoid it, is this sceenshot of Unreal Tournament 1999:

I have a train, running along a cliffside, overlooking a beach, ocean, and jungle.
Will i have to animate the train physically moving along it’s tracks? Will i have to worry about parenting animations to the train?

I don’t really know what kind of problems to expect for this scene and i would love any suggestions on how to make this level look believable since I am still new to Unreal.


Hi chaotickill248,

Are you trying to make a side-scrolling scene where the camera is only viewing the train from the side?

Or are you making a 1st/3rd Person style game?

Take a look at the link below, its the train level from the Lego Movie game. If you watch closely the background is looped, I believe that the tracks, land, and background are moving but the train is not (except for a small shaking animation). I would recommended this method since UE4 has real-time physics.

Thank you for the example, that helps quite a lot!! :smiley:

My game will be 3rd person with a fixed camera. I want it to resemble something like Telltale’s Monkey Island or The Walking Dead.
Thank you for your help! Now that scene looks a little more clear to me!


So, ideally. How could I achieve this effect with looping meshes? What steps in UE4 and Blueprint would I need to take to make this work quickly? Ate there any video tutorials?


Hi Chaotickill248,

I am actually working on a written tutorial at the moment on how to do this. It may not be ready for a little while but as soon as its done I will post a link here to the wiki page.

Any word on that tutorial? Is it ready yet?