How do I make a material not so blank?

I wish to just make a more retro feel to the game and remove the overly blank surface on my floor and wall textures. Is there a simple fix to this?

Add a Texture :person_shrugging:t2::rofl:

Ok… bad Joke…
What us your Material looking right now? We just can guess what you mean by blank :wink:

It’s too shiny and should be more rough in a way.


when you open up your material, Hold “s” and click. this creates a scalar parameter. Add a few of them and link them to the Result Pins for Metallic, Spcular and Roughness.

Thos should be given Values from 0…1
You can play with those values to reduce the shinyness.

additionally, a more complex texture would help, too… currently the texzure by itself looks blank… fill it with a bit more stuff :wink:

And as Bonus… normalmapping…

I’d really suggest to hit some of the basic Tutorials for Material creation on Youtube. The basic stuff is really simple and fast.

Ah thanks! Now I know how to manipulate the material to my desires :slight_smile:

Btw, is there a way to make the pixels more nearest neighbor like instead of smoothed? Like sharper u know?

when you doubleclick your texture (not the matrial) in the context browser, you open the Texture Editor.
there, you can setup the whole compression Method, Filtering (what you want to change) and so on…

if you change the filter to f.e. “Unfildered 2D”, you get the full pixel value without bleeding. This is great for really really low res Textures in Demake Games.

just try out some values, changes and editors…

Found it! In Advanced i picked Nearest as filter. Thanks again.