How do I make a hollow sphere?

All the tutorials work for UE-4.
I can’t find the brush no matter how hard I look.

All the spheres are hollow.

Can you be more specific?

In UE5, just click Shift-5


I want to make a spheric border for my map, but the camera counts sphere as an obstacle.

Just turn the collision off :slight_smile:

Thank you, it now works as a hollow sphere, but I want my character (I use default SpectatorPawn) not to be able to fly out of it.

(I used the sphere from the Modeling Mode)

I’m pretty sure the engine only does convex collisions, which means the inside of the sphere can’t have collision.

You’ll need to write your own camera pawn that can’t go outside the sphere.

Oh… thinking about it…

Yes, you can make a sphere that has thickness, and then cut it in two. And then put the two copies of one half around your play area.

  1. Make a sphere

  2. Duplicate it in place ( Ctrl-D )

  3. Make the duplicate slightly smaller, scale it to .95

  1. Use a bool operation to cut the smaller sphere out of the larger one

  1. Use a plane cut to chop off half

Bob’s your uncle.


Thank you!
I’ve been making a blueprint that just checks player position and returns him if he is out of borders already.

It works, I can walk around in it.


But what about a more complex shape? Duplicating and reducing the size of the mesh to then boolean cut it, doesn’t always work well. Sometimes the new smaller mesh pokes through the bigger one in some places, because of its shape.
Isn’t there some button to do just that?

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The modelling tools in the engine are very efficient, but still in their infancy.

They will get you out of a hole, and you can make a quick couple of changes, but if you really want to build more interesting shapes, then I’d recommend something like Blender

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