I grabbed the sphere using the Physics Handle, a Scene component and using the Grab Component at Location with Rotation node. Now, how do I make the sphere not go through the wall when it’s grabbed?
After some research on YouTube, apparently you need to use Physics Constraint not Physics Handle for the held object to not go through the wall. This is the tutorial I used: UE4 Grab Object with Gun - Gravity Physics Gun in Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial/ How To - YouTube
So i had the same issue, and the tutorial linked didn’t really worked on UE5, so after a while i figured a proper solution to this, and think i share it here. Sorry for bringing the old thread back up.
Basically, enable CCD (Continuous Collision Detection).
You can enable that on the component from the line trace or getting the component from the physics handle.
And when you’re about to release the component again, best to disable CCD again.
But this works really flawlessly now!
I was happy to finnaly find this post but the CCD is no help. has anyone a solution to this problem of grabbed components clipping instead of blocking? using VR template of UE 5.5
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