Hello. I was wondering how to make a first person camera. I have tried snapping the camera to the head bone but the camera moves with the head idle animation. That looks annoying. Is there a way how to get a still first person camera without clipping? Thanks!
Yes, just put the camera inside the capsule at about eye height, but dead center laterally, and because the viewport given by the camera is owned by the player possessing the pawn, then ticking the OwnerNoSee checkbox on the character mesh, it should prevent any clipping since you wont see yourself including your own head.
Is there a way to make it where I can see the character because I need to be able to see some of the animations in the game. LIke my character holding a gun.
Most people create a separate mesh for the character’s arms so they can see those working with the weapons etc but not clip through their body. So if you look at the Unreal engine’s First Person template project you’ll see their firstpersoncharacter pawn is set up that way, so that there is a separate mesh and animation set for the arms than for the body.
But if you can’t or don’t want to do that then you’ll have to find some other clever way.
You could put the camera so far forward that it never clips through the head animation, but also hopefully has its near clipping plane still inside the capsule so it doesn’t clip through walls that you are very close to.
Would there be a way for the character to only not see the head but can see everything else?
I think you would have to have the head use either its own mesh or have its own material slot, and hide the mesh or set the material to something invisible/transparent alpha 0.0.
I can’t think of a way to do what you want without altering the setup of your meshes or materials on your character.
Ok Thanks. I will try thi late in the day and tell you in a couple of hours. Thank you for your help so far!