How do I make a cube's collision work inside out

My room has like 80 sides and i want 1


before you start being stupid the timeframe is correct

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Everything possible in Unreal.

duh, but how do i do that
theres no explanation behind what he did

Can run a ray trace from camera to character, when ray trace hits a block of side, you will hide. Can use sphere sweep in order to have much cleaner hit results.
For more information, lots of tutorials regarding SingleLineTraceByChannel.

the answer to this question is almost always going to be yes. It’s hardly worth asking.

The important question to ask is, “can i do this in unreal?”

That’s also not a great question though, because the answer, theoretically, is almost always going to be yes.

A better question then is, “could I make this in unreal within a timeframe that is realistic enough that I won’t want to quit?”

Only you can answer that of course, but my bet would be that if you have to ask the question, the answer is probably no. However if you complete a handful of tiny game projects between now and the next couple years, I’d bet that you’d be able to do something like this, or w/e you can imagine, without much trouble.

what are you talking about

are you okay

Hey @anon58292963! Just having a bit of trouble understanding the question, are you trying to reduce the polygons (Sides) on a cube? Or were you attempting to (like in the video link) be able to see inside of it without changing the amount of sides?

It looks like the guy in the video was using Unity’s probuilder plugin to be able to reverse the normals (where a face is allowed to be seen from), this however does nothing to collisions on unity or here in unreal, just effects the visibility of the mesh.

If it’s the latter you can edit the objects normals directly in editor in unreal 4.27 there’s a plugins in the editor called mesh editor and Modeling tools editor mode.

Once you apply that to your project save and restart the editor, you will open your static mesh from your content browser and you’ll see a new toolbar called Mesh Editing at the top. You can click that and then select the “EditMode”, after that select which faces you want to flip (in your case select them all) then you can select the “Flip” option. This will turn the faces you selected inside out.

To find more on the mesh editing documentation: Modifying Static Mesh Geometry | Unreal Engine Documentation

i thought collisions dont allow you to move?

You’ve got that correct! The method from the video only adjusts face normals and does nothing to collisions. If you’d like to add, edit, or remove collisions from an object that’ll be a bit different.

If you’d like to change or override collisions on a static mesh you’ve brought in you can go over to the details tab and enable custom collision here and choose a mesh you’d prefer, or even build one with primitives.

So since as been understandable from comments, we dont know what you want to do in the very first place. @BIGTIMEMASTER is talking about, your question was not clear enough for us to understand. Your question and statement cannot be single very vague statement like “Can I do this in Unreal?”. Everyone trying to help eachother here. Its beneficial for you to understand how to ask good question.

Please take a time and read the following guide

If you set the mesh collision to Use Complex as Simple, and your normals are facing inwards, you should be able to achieve this effect.


i linked a timestamp.

yes, I was writing the polite version of “you’re asking a dumb question.”

I expect genericusername is probably a young kid and doesn’t yet know how to ask questions in a useful way.

dude im not a kid i literally linked a timestamp lmao i dont want 80 cubes in my scene for a room

This is no longer working in 5.1.1. Was working in 5.0. Does it work for you?

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The negative scale thing didn’t work for me until I edited the mesh in modeling mode and baked the negative scale, then the inverted collisions worked as intended