How do I make a Click and Slide/Drag control with mouse ?

Hey everyone! I can not figure out how to do this as a Blueprint in UE4 and wondering if any one knew how or can point me to a tutorial?
Here is an example. Thanks for any help!

Maybe this will help. I can’t watch youtube (at work), so I can only guess what you wanted.

Thanks! I got the grab part down but how can I stop the object from re-centering under the mouse cursor? Example of what I got.

My blueprint.

At the moment you’re setting the Y and Z of your draggy object to be the mouse cursor’s position. If you get the location offset of the actor from the cursor when you start the click, then you can add that to the cursor position when setting your actor’s location and that’ll make it keep the same relative position as you’re dragging it around.

Thanks for the reply! How would I do that exactly? What nodes to use?

Create a new vector variable in the blueprint (called, say, Offset), and then when you get the On Clicked event, set that variable to Actor Location - Click Location (which you’ve already got nodes for) before you open the gate. Then when you do Set Actor Location, New Location needs to be Click Location + Offset.

Oh Thank you! Much appreciated!!!