How do I make a camera follow my character (flying ship)?


I have a flying ship animation made in 3ds max. It’s very simple, just flying in a straight line. Now I want a camera to follow ship all time.

How should I do it? I tried just simple parenting camera to root (my ship) but I think I need to tell UE4 to use my camera in play mode. How do I set this?

Try this:

  • Add a spring arm component to your mesh
  • Add camera to this spring arm compoenent.

Setup spring arm Transformations/spring arm length to put your camera at desired distance and rotation. You may also need to change camera settings and uncheck ‘Use controller rotation’ (or something similar)

Inorder to make this camera default one, you need to edit project settings. Go under Maps/Modes. Select this blueprint as your pawnclass - Or setup a new GameMode blueprint with right settings and make it your default game mode.

If you’d like a good example, look at Third Person Blueprint template, and open up MyCharacter Blueprint. You’ll see exactly setup Mindfane has recommended.

Could someone pleaase tell how to add my pre-made camera to spring arm and how to initialize it as default camera?

I mean, if it’s only camera on your pawn, it should be default camera as long as you are possessing that pawn. Check to see if auto-activation is on for camera. It’ll be in Details panel.