How do I make a bone not move during animation and stay in one position?

I am a newbie to animating in unreal engine 5 and I do not want to use blender right now because I just need to make a simple modification. How do I make this arm stay in this position while holding the flashlight and not move during the animation? I do not see any keyframes I can copy or something?
This image is how I want it to be:

This is when it moves as the animation goes:

So how do I make it not move?

There are many ways to do that, the one that we mostly do is to use layered animation. Plus, you can’t achieve anything from this, you should be able to achieve this through animation blueprint and not the animation sequence.

yea but I do not need a layered animation, I need a completely different one so is there any way to edit this one so the arm stays in one position?

You can’t do it using keyframes…or you can, and you’ll just waste time doing so.
Do the following:

  1. Create a level sequence
  2. Add the Skeletal mesh of the Mannequin, it’ll automatically add the Control Rig on top of it
  3. Remove the Control Rig from the sequence
  4. Add the animation you’re currently using on the Mannequin SK
  5. Bake the animation to Control Rig
  6. Enable IK for the right arm
  7. Key the hand control position/rotation at the first frame
  8. If you hit play, you’ll see that the hand will stay still, while the body will keep following the previous animation
  9. Save animation as an animation sequence
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May I know if is there a reason why you are avoiding doing this? Are you emphasizing certain animation behaviours?

i just dont know how to do that lol thats why

Layered blend animation will not be applied inside the animation sequence, instead, you will need to set it inside the animation blueprint. So that you can see the result during the gameplay.

From this statement of yours, you should have said you don’t know instead of proposing the idea to avoid doing this method.

Base pose should be set to your lower body animations and blend pose should be set to your upper body animation. Pay attention to the right side window, how I set the layer setup based on the bone name that you want to create the separation from.

Hello, I followed your method but when the control rig is superimposed with the animation, the skeletal mesh is all distorted, how can I resolve this? Or is there no other way than the level sequencer to lock a bone in a position during the animation?

Thank you for the simple solution!

Hi all, I may have a solution for this. I have created a flatfoot to highheel ctrl rig, if I press a button my characters feet changes. I inserted a node for constraints and set transform of right upper arm’s rotation to lets say - 20 degrees and added a bool is holding bag. then I could change that into a blend by bool in anim graph.