I notice you are putting the info in the save game correctly, but your load function isn’t reading from the save game, just the game instance.
EDIT: Save game 101:
I notice you are putting the info in the save game correctly, but your load function isn’t reading from the save game, just the game instance.
EDIT: Save game 101:
Currently I have in my Blueprints I have logic that saves data to a file when a door is opened, so that when the level is loaded again the door will be opened. It works fine when playing from the editor. The door will be opened, but when I restart the game from in-game the doors go back to being closed. I am using the GameInstance to hold the save data. I’m using game restart off the GameMode. I want to be able to keep the state of the level when restarting. I am saving the player’s location and it is fine when restarting. Some help, tips, or advice would be much appreciated. Please let me know if you need more info or need to see anything else.
Oh my god you’re right. I’ve been having a problem with this all day. I was only loading the save slot with the player data and not the level. Thank you so much it worked!