Hi, can you tell me how to make the same darkness as in the photo. So that nothing can be seen at a certain distance
there are a few different approaches to this each with positives and negatives:
the “easiest” way would be to “let Lumen take care of it.” with Lumen enabled you can achieve a really dark specific area of a map by changing the fall off distance (or max distance) of lights.
you can also attach a light to the player and modify the distance of it dynamically either in C++ or blueprints (this will require dynamic shadows with Lumen or something similar)
if this is say to be a specific area in a level/map then, surround the entire area in a Post-Processing Volume; you can also put a trigger volume around the entire area to start doing things with that attached light when the player enters it.
Lumen can be very hardware intensive (it can be assisted with Ray Tracing hardware)
if Lumen is not viable for you; then you can work with the LoD and Draw distance values, though these are typically level or game wide, and you might want this to be more specific.
with the LoD approach you can give your messes at like “LoD 2” a much darker color, and if your skybox is dark/black then as the LoD shifts things far way will be darker.
the issues with this approach is that you either need this to be true for items always, or you would need specific item meshes with these changes.
you can also give these objects special textures/meshes, for when the player is at certain distance ranges they swap the texture/mesh. This is probably the most clunky of the implementations I can think of where it can quickly get a PS1 aliasing effect if the objects are to large relative to the distance away, and this can become very apparent. this would also require either the player checking a bunch of distances to a bunch of random objects, or a bunch of random objects checking their distance to the player.
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