Hello! Inside my starter level, I have modified jump velocity, air control and some other settings available under Character Movement. When my character enters a different level, it seems like all those modified settings disappear.
It seems like I have to do something with game instances, but I’m not sure how I’m supposed to get the character movement information inside a BP so I can use it with my game instances. It does seem like such a basic and common thing though so it feels like there’s some simple solution to it that I’m just missing out on.
the issue here is where are you modifying the values? are you modifying them through a script or the character placed in the level? if you are then the changes will only be evident in that level. If you want to make the changes the same for any and all levels then go into the character blueprint and select the character movement component and make your changes there. by changing the source bp (characterbp), anytime you create a new copy of it it will also have the changed values as its default.
It’s pretty simple. The problem is when you modify character placed in level through details panel, you change only that instance of character. You should modify variables just inside your character blueprint details panel, then it will not change upon changing level