How do i keep my grabbed object to face where the camera is facing? How do i create the throwing logic for said grab logic?

Hello. It’s just like what the title says. I’ve scripted a form of grabbing logic through blueprint where, if the player was near enough to a grabbable object (represented by the debug trace on the screenshots), the the object would stick right next to the player character’s head. If the player were to press the grab button again, the object would be dropped.

However, it seems as if it follows where the player character is currently facing, as it sticks to the right side of the player model component, where GrabLocationMesh is placed. Because of this, no matter where the camera is facing, the grabbed physics object would stick to the right side of the player model’s head. Sometimes even going out of view from the camera itself.

I’d like to see if I could have it stay within the camera’s view if possible.

Oh, and would there be any suggestions as to how I can script some form of throwing logic that could be activated once an object is grabbed? It’ll likely use the event tick-based logic for updating the location of the grabbed object, as I’ll want it to require a single keypress (Left Mouse Button) to throw the object towards the AimPoint mesh (shown in the first picture). But I can’t really seem to figure out how that would work in terms of implementation.