so a while ago in the default VR project in UE 5 I followed this tutorial Two Handed Grab in Virtual Reality - Unreal Engine VR Tutorial - YouTube to convert the pistols to two handed weapons
I am now trying to replace the mesh so i took the mesh from this free asset pack on the UE store FPS Weapon Bundle in Weapons - UE Marketplace and in a copy of my original blueprint, i swapped the skeleton meshes in the blueprint (and copied over the sockets and arranged them where they should go) by going to the skeletal mesh component and changing the mesh in the details panel, and adjusted all the other components to be correct relative to the new model
first i had an issue where the model was invisible in VR (turning off raytracing in the skmesh fixed that)
but it appears that for whatever reason this change in mesh is now causing it to do physics when previously the blueprint would float in the air
also i am unable to pick up the gun
the original version of the blueprint still works as it should, as far as i can see all i did was do a simple swap of the mesh why has so much broken and how can i fix this?