I managed to know download waveworks but I don’t know how to integrate it. The folder has a setup.bat . When I run it it downloads Ue4 binaries just like the source code but I already have UE 4 installed.Please help!
It seems that no one wants to help me!
June 20, 2016, 1:53am
Get a Github account
Install Visual Studio Express ( I think it needs to be 2013 to build UE4.9 )
Download or clone the latest waveworks build ( 4.9.2 is the latest one someone has made it for )
Switch to the correct git branch
Run setup.bat
Run generateprojectfiles.bat
Double click UE4.sln
Build UE4
Build the shader compiler thing
You should be able to launch the engine now from the build/ folder (it will get stuck at 45% for ages)
This is the forum thread on gameworks which includes waveworks so its helpful to go through https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?53735-NVIDIA-GameWorks-Integration
April 27, 2017, 8:37am
this information, i have not tried yet but i will and hopefully come back here for a “thanks” for you
May 26, 2017, 11:16pm
Where can i find the build/ folder?
you could make a video showing how to do this process.Please