How do I input multiple numbers?

I’d like to be able to input digits to create a number of multiple digits and store its value in an integer variable using keypad widget. At the moment, I am only able to store single digit values in a variable by punching in a single number and pressing the ENTER button to store it. Please look at the pics below.

What would I need to do if I want to put in a number like 221 using the keypad and store it in a variable?

You could get the current InputPadInput multiplay it with ten and add the value of the buton and set it to be the new InputPadInput

Make a CurrentEnteredNum variable, starting at 0.

The formular you need to use is the following:

CurrentEnteredNum = CurrentEnteredNum * 10 + NewNum.

You would input a 2 into your keypad.

CurrentEnteredNum == 0;

This would result in 0*10+2 = 2.

Now you would input another 2 into your keypad.

CurrentEnteredNum == 2;

This would result in 2*10+2 = 22

Now you enter a 1 into your keypad.

CurrentEnteredNum == 22;

This would result in 22*10+1 = 221

haha had the same idea, but you explained it more professional :smiley:

Thank you!

Thank you, too!! You had the same idea as Heidi. And you’re right! Heidi’s explanation was more professional :stuck_out_tongue:
But, thank you :slight_smile: