How do I include Starter Content in my projects?

I need some help, when I load a new level I get most of content such as architecture and a few other things but its missing effects and all weather stuff. I have all engines installed and only way I can see effects is on cave project, which has no content at all besides assets used there. Is there something that I forgot to do?

This post is a bit confusing. What do you mean specifically by “new level”? Default levels will have no assets in them except for a floor and skybox.

Select Include Starter Content tickbox when you start a new project.


If you want assets from Cave project in your new project, you’ll need to move them to your new project as they will not appear automatically. easiest way to do this is to open Cave project, select all assets you want to use, right-click, and select Migrate. Make sure you maintain same file structure in whatever project you move assets to. You can read more about Migrate feature here:

Hope that helps!