I’ve tried to follow the instructions on ue4 documentation for admob, but my ad doesn’t seem to show. So please I need a step by step instruction on how to get ad to display in my game
There will be no ads in your unreal editor, ads will only come on your phone. This video has helped me a lot and will probably solve your problem. HOW TO GET ADS IN UNREAL ENGINE ANDROID PROJECT - YouTube
If after watching the video you still don’t get ads, then connect your phone to your computer and use Android Studio ‘logcat’ to see what happens exactly. You can also put these logs in this question so that people have more information and can help you better.
I’ve tried the video but the ads are still not showing up
Can you show me the logs of Android Studio that appears when you try to load an ad?
And how exactly do I do that, cause I still a beginner
Open Android Studio - Connect your phone to the pc - Click on ‘Logcat’ (the button at the bottom right) - Make sure your device is connected - see the logs running while you do stuff.
When you see the logs, open your app and go to the point where you would load your ad.
You can use the filter so that you are not overwhelmed. Type something like ads and see what it says.