How do I import the First Person character BP into my project?

Hi - new to UE but slowly getting to grips with it. I started my project (a simple ArchViz tech demo) using the Blank template with no starter content as I wanted to start completely from scratch to learn as much as possible. So far, so good - everything is looking great - however, the player camera motion isn’t quite what I’m after. What I want is akin to what you get when you start a project with the First Person template. So my question is - how do I import that first person content into my current project?


The easiest way is to select the gamemode in a fps template - right click on it - migrate - choose the path to your new project - migrate. After that choose the gamemode from the fps template in the “gamemode” tab in the world properties of your map.

Make sure to keep the same folder structure, because otherwise it could loose some connections :slight_smile:

Awesome - many thanks, that’s got me most of the way there. Only issue now is that I can’t move when I click ‘Play’ - the FPS model (arms + gun) and HUD are there but now I can’t move at all. Only pressing ESC to get back to edit mode seems to work. Any thoughts?

Forgot to mention something… :o

Open the fps project - go to project settings - input - take a look at the axis and action mappings. After that recreate it in your new project. Now it should work

Thank you so much! That totally solved it :smiley:

Hey guys, so i was looking for this, and now i wonder, what happend if i want the camera but not the arms, weapons and projectile from the FP shooter template?

Well, seen as this thread got bumped, there is an easier solution:

Top left of content browser > Add New > scroll to top of list > Add feature or content pack > select First Person Template.


WOW why was that not easy to understand…like AT ALL. I’m way to new to this to look up troubleshooting. No one can simply explain how to fix a simple issue. What is simple to you is complicated to me.

A quick search using the search tool on this website: Migrating Assets and Migrate content between projects.

A quick search on YouTube: Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial - How to Migrate Assets.

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