How do I import Animated Clothing from Marvelous Designer/CLO?

I have some garments that I have created and animated in Marvelous Designer.
I want to import the animated garments into UE4(either with or without the Avatar) and then render the animations within Unreal.

The only way I have been able to get the animated garments into UE4 is by exporting them in Alembic format, however all UV mappings, materials and textures seem to be irrevocably lost if I do this.
If I export the garments as OBJ files I get all the materials and textures but the animation is lost.

I have tried exporting in numerous formats, .obj, .fbx, .mc, .pc2, .abc but nothing seems to work. Either the animation is lost or the materials are lost or nothing works at all. I have even tried exporting the garments first to Maya or Blender and then trying exporting from these packages in varying formats. The animations and materials all import into Maya and Blender fine but they still can’t be exported in a format that Unreal will read. I have even tried the Maya “Send to Unreal” option but only the avatar seems to be imported into Unreal and the clothes are lost.

Please can someone help?

Second this…it’s a headache.

Same problem for me too!!! Has anyone found a solution?

It’s quite loong way to import animated garments from clo/MD to unreal, I’ve reach some results but it asked around 20 steps. Once I will establish a proper workflow will create some tutorial on yt and put it here. In general way you have to export ogawa file and than import it as skeletal mesh into UE and put new materials on it.

hi polly87, just curious were you able to establish a workflow for this issue and if you mind sharing? All the best.