How do I hold an animation's end state in sequencer

Hi, I have an animation sequence (blend shape created in maya) and i have it set up in sequencer with an animation track. I want it to play then hold on the end frame in sequencer. However when I play the animation sequence, it runs until the end and then automatically returns to it’s original state. How do I hold the end state?

It’s an option


Sorry the animation sequence is connected to a skeletal mesh, which is then inside sequencer. I just want to import the animated sequence into sequencer, add an animation track, and edit it within the sequencer. Maybe I misunderstood - were you suggesting importing one sequence into another and then using pause at end for that sequence?

So far the best i can do is just export a very long sequence with a frame hold at the end. But I had hoped you would have the equivalent of ‘pause at end’ on the animation sequence itself? If I untick loop for the animation sequence in the details panel it has no effect in sequencer.

Ah, sorry, I don’t know much about that setup, but I’d be tempted to call the animation from BP. Then I think it just runs once.


anim once

You can set the animation section’s When Finished property in Sequencer to Keep State:

Great thanks this was just what i was looking for.

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Might be that something is overriding this, or UE5 has changed in some way; the documentation describes keeping an actor’s state after the cinematic has finished, for gameplay.

This used to work for me, but no longer, now Keep State has no effect on my anim sequences and the animation simply loops. Is there something that might be overriding this or are there project settings that could be ignoring Keep State? Or is Keep State only for maintaining an actor’s properties after the sequence has finished?