How do i hide a hud? you can see here i have a hud with a crosshair and i only want it visible in one level so how do i make it invisible in other levels is my question.Screenshot - 74c68c9206c24264569cb37a8c6899e5 - Gyazo

The first link is broken.

how do i make it invisible in other

Don’t call the custom event that draws it to the screen. Have a boolean values that controls a Branch or Gate in the HUD, when the level loads, set the HUD’s bool to False.

WHY are the nodes stacked on top of one another?! Haha. What’s going on there?

Sorry for such a late message i was on a one week trip could you please share an image? Of what it should look like? Also the link was just an image of what the crosshair looks like.

The image of what? How would I known how you draw it on screen? You have 2 custom events, you call them somewhere, surely.

How i draw the texture is on the image tho?

No, it’s a custom event. Where do you call that event?

It almost looks like a copied event from HUD’s Draw:


But I don’t even know… is this in the widget, is this HUD framework class?

Any info on what’s going on here?

Move one of them and you’ll see for yourself.

? what u talking about??

It is literally the hud that comes with when you start making your game the FirstPersonHud? I haven’t edited any of it yet just changed what texture to draw?

In the image you linked, there are stacked nodes. Someone put one node on top of another…

Image from Gyazo

You can’t connect nodes like that:

Image from Gyazo

Screenshot - 3d706f0fdba337a1afae13b998dc84be - Gyazo Yeah sorry about that i was stupid enough to send a picture of the wrong hud but i think i will just go with a widget instead i think that will be a bit easier.

It is literally the hud that comes
with when you start making your game
the FirstPersonHud? I haven’t edited
any of it yet just changed what
texture to draw?

Nah, this is the original, what you have looks like it was accidentally copy-pasted twice.

So to add to this, if the above is used to draw, you could put a branch after the event and control it from outside via a boolean variable. Since HUD class is a framework class (don’t confuse it with a widget), it’s accessible from pretty much everywhere any time via a cast.

HUD is definitely simpler, and easier to access. 1 branch + 1 bool