I have a turret set up which can be possessed by a player. I’m having trouble figuring out how to make the player rotate with the turret as it rotates. My goal is to have the player grab the handles and make it look like the player is turning the turret.
How would I make the player rotate with the turret so that the player always stays behind it?
After you posses your new pawn (in this case the turret), take old pawn and use the ‘AttachActorToActor’ node in blueprints. If you want to set a position for the actor to sit, first teleport the old pawn to that position, and then use the ‘AttachActorToActor’ node (with the option ‘Keep World Position’). If you are looking for a smooth transition with animations and have an animation to work with (of the pawn crawling into the turret), you can VinterpTo to the desired seat location first before establishing the attachment.