Hi, I’m WhinsekkGAMES, I wanted to know how can I publish my game to the epic games store? I’ve already investigated in forums and everyone tells me that I have to go to a developers page and fill out a form, I already did it but I still do not see my game in the epic games store, the only thing that gave me access when making that form was access to a epic games dev portal platform, but I don’t know if games are uploaded with that platform or what will it be for, in summary, what should I do now to publish my game after having made the form on that page?
I didn’t quite understand the question, do you mean a publication like this? https://fingerlakes1.com/2021/01/12/functions-of-slot-sites-in-online-gaming-industry/
Excuse me, I mean Games as they are on this page Epic Games Store | Official Site