How do i get the velocity of an object hitting me?

So i am trying to make my character go ragdoll when i fall from a hight or get hit by a fast moving object. My idea was to use an event hit so whenever i hit the ground from falling or get hit by an object at a certain velocity i go ragdoll, but so far i can only get my character’s velocity when i run into stuff or fall and land on something. So my question is, how do i get the velocity of any object hitting me? Or is there any other way i could do this that is more effective?

First of all you need to enable Hit Events in character physics (capsule). Then use EventHit to process it and get hit actor.

But getting velocity is different for different kind of objects, like projectiles, physics objects, pawns and so on.

For example, with physics objects you can do Get Physics Linear Velocity.

I use on Normal impulse vector Lenght. If more than 4000 then ragdol start…

Not sure that makes sense.

Mostly, if you hit the floor what has velocity? You or the static floor?

The hit inpulse normal may not calculate.

I’d say just do the math yourself - newton’s third law.
Based on direction of impact and overridden by mobility setting of the object…
Afterall, 2 cars hitting head on at 100mhp are just hitting at 100mph, and not 200mph like people often think…