How do I get the latest version of UE4?

So, sorry if this sounds like a dumb question but i’ve never actually upgraded my version of UE4 before but how do you actually download the latest version? I tried going on to the site and downloading the installer but when I launch the engine, it’s still at 4.19 (the version i’m constantly using). Is there another method of doing this that i’m not aware of or is there just another portion of the site that I need to use?

You need to install engine again for each new major version you click add engine version in launcher. It’s done this way as Epic don’t give guaranty on asset and code compatibility with newer versions and project update process need to be supervised by you.

If you gonna update existing project i recommend you do this step by step (4.19->4.20->4.21->4.22->4.23->4.24), as big jump mean bigger compatibility issues with assets. open project in new version make sure everything works and then move to next version, if you project have C++ resolve all deprecation warning along the way,

For the future, if you not want to stick with one version of enigne for project, make sure to update stright away as updating projects become harder and harder the more you wait. It also recommenced to stay in engine version you work with if project gone deep in production of you project the bigger the project the harder is to update it and too much risk, not to mention it may take lot of time.

It’s ok to use older engine, or else you hit some serious limitation, for example Arc System Works for long time been using UE3 and they did that because they made workflow around it they been sure it worksm just recently they started to move to UE4