I’m trying to update the pitch variable value in my animBP by passing a value from my characterBP.
The value updates for a few ticks and then goes back to 0.0.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I’m trying to update the pitch variable value in my animBP by passing a value from my characterBP.
The value updates for a few ticks and then goes back to 0.0.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Err, silly question perhaps, because I can not see your graphs, but why not just toss the owner pawn into a variable so that you don’t have to call it ever tick?
The main problem is the pitch variable to the blendspace never updates because the exec pin never gets past the Cast to node.
I’m probably doing something wrong. I just don’t know what. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
This was basically a blueprint parenting (inheritance) problem and nothing more. My solution was to create a unique Skeletal mesh->animationBP->characterBP hierarchy instead of basing it on the play character.