Probably this is a dumb question for many but I’m fairly new in Unreal scripting and I’m really struggling on this thing that I’m pretty sure is very simple to do when you know how to…
I just want to know how to read and modify tags on the bindings in a Sequence but whatever I tried is not working and I found no clues online.
Can anyone tell me or link me any useful page about tags in sequences?
Ok, thanks for your answer.
Because I saw the “find_binding_by_tag” was available I thought there was a way to read the tags as well and I simply was not able to find it…
That is not doing what I need but maybe could be useful for someone else so here’s the code of how it can be used in case you just need to check what is using a specific tag:
level_sequence = unreal.LevelSequenceEditorBlueprintLibrary.get_current_level_sequence()#get currently opened sequence
bindID = level_sequence.find_binding_by_tag("TestTag")
bind = level_sequence.find_binding_by_id(bindID.get_editor_property('guid'))
print (bind.get_name())