Hello there, I was trying to open up a Star Trek game but it won’t let me open it I keep getting the Error message Failed to Open descriptor file’…/…/Stage9uproduct], What could resolve this issue? I had the game running early yesterday no problem, now I don’t know what to do. Please help me thank you.
Are you into the VR version? Now that Stage 9 has been ‘discontinued’ I have been looking into 'MODDING" it. The first things i want to change are:
- Get rid of the Christmas hat that destroys immersion…
- Give it Free Motion instead of Teleport!
I have been able to get all the hard assets out of the un-encrypted pak file (3D models, set , props, textures, sounds, characters, animations etc…) . What are you trying to do? (and are you still tying to do it Perhaps we can join forces…, Have you tired the VR version? It i amazing, but could be… optimized eve as a mod (there is so much unnecessary stiff in their pak file! registration files for android, for mac, for Linux and Iphone (iPhone!!!) even though it is a PC VR App!! I hope you tell me you are good at the stuff i’m not LOL