how do i get PS2/Gamecube/OG Xbox graphics in UE5?
is it only by getting the graphics settings to their lowest and disableing reflections and making the models from 1000 - 3000 polys or there’s more to it?
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- Limit the screen resolution to 640x480 (this is enough to ruin even modern games)
- use low poly models and low res textures (less than 1024x1024)
- Almost only static lighting (baked light), no reflections
- Use “trash” UI styles like it was popular in the '90s and early 2000, this also applies to sound
- Limit the physics (guns shoot in a straight line, objects have scripted animations instead of real interactions)
If you have any game to indicate as reference please do it, because the ps2 had a long life and old games can look pretty different from the latest ones
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but what about graphics like textures, lights, shadows, reflections, everything else that is related to graphics? what am i supposed to do about those?
i already disabled reflections and lowered lighting and shadows to lowest settings
Bumping this since it might be helpful, also a bit of a self plug. I have an asset for sale that re-creates the Phong and Gouraud model inside an unlit material. The PS2 used hardware Gouraud for light rendering, so if you want to be accurate this will get you a long way: