How Do I Get "New Game", "Online Multiplayer", "Options" and "Credits" to Work for Main Menu?

I’ve been trying to create a main menu but my luck has been rather limited. I don’t know how to get the New Game button to start as if I selected “Play” in Viewport, and the Multiplayer, Options and Credits buttons don’t work as well. Any idea how I could do that? I want to try and get display resolution selection working as well but I dunno how to do that.

I’m not certain about how to create the Settings behaviours but have a look under the “Learn” tab in the launcher. Download the “Multiplayer Shootout” demo project. It has a working example of everything you need for multiplayer menu side of things. Be sure to read the accompanying documentation for it:

Settings is a pain in the butt. There’s a tutorial but it requires (literally) thousands of connections in BP. And you have to do it for each resolution and setting. As far as the other stuff goes what wobbleyhead said is correct.

I just got done setting up a settings menu for my game and its a lot easier than it seems. Say you want a button to change screen resolution first create your button

Add an OnClicked event


Add node “execute console command”

console command.PNG

The command is: r.setRes HORIZxVERT[f]
The f is for fullscreen.

Compile and open in standalone, pause game, go to settings and press the button!
(Assuming you have the widgets already set up)

As for the getting the game to start at the main menu you need to go to file>save as and save the current level you are working on, it should show up in your content browser.
Now you need to create a new level and open your level blueprint. On event begin play you need to create a widget and select your main menu widget then add to view port.

Now open up your main menu widget BP and add an on clicked event for your new game or play button.
Add the node “open level” and “remove from parent”
(personal preference with the sequence)
As the level name well type your main levels name

Now go to edit>Project settings>Maps & Modes and change your default map to your main menu level
This way when you start your game it opens the main menu and not the game its self.
If you need any more help you can message me on skype at .revis2