Hello I’m trying to create a side scroller at the moment and I’m having a little trouble with my character controls. While turning my character around, instead of turning instantaneously it tends to do a full rotation which can leave the character looking at the screen. I was wondering if anybody knew how to fix my blueprints so the character will turn around immediately instead of having a full rotation. I included my movement input although its the basic sidescroller setup. Thanks for your time.
What I would do :
Add a branch node on the InputAxis MoveRight node to check if AxisValue > 0. If so, add a set actor rotation node with the values you need (like 0, 0, 90).
Add another branch node but check if AxisValue < 0. If so, add another set actor rotation node with the other rotation you need (like 0, 0, -90).
Here’s what I did to get a more natural turn…I just used a time line to set the alpha between 2 rotation values…
Hi Botfly08, could you please show the track contains in timeline?
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