How do I get my mesh to stay with my collider?

Hello all, I am having trouble figuring out the answer to a problem I have been struggling with for a while.

I have a collider attached to my index finger with a physics handle and physics constraint. Now, this works great! However I am looking for an answer on how to get the mesh to stay with the collider so my hand doesn’t just go through the object.

Please refer to the videos and pictures below for more info:

So you want the mesh to follow your finger essentially? Have you tried making the collider a parent of the mesh?

Yes! I have tried that. That works well but I need multiple colliders for all of my fingers to have collision so unfortunately while that works with one collider, I’m going to have multiple.

Have you tried attaching a collision component to each bone in the she skeleton?

Like this? If so, yea I have tried it, it just achieves the same result as in the YouTube video.

Yes but a separate capsule to each bone. That didn’t work? Are MACD and CCS and multiple overlap checked in capsule settings? Maybe also check default collision channel responses and ensure the cube is set to complex collision

MACD and CCD is on. Collision works but my mesh just refuses to stay with my collider! I am honestly going nuts its been 2 weeks trying to figure out this problem.