How do I get my AI out of the way of my player?

Please help! I searched on the Internet to manage to make my following AI aware of when I collide with it, it moves on the opposite direction from the player’s one. I tried things like Launch Character, AddActorWorldOffset, or AddWorldOffset but I don’t know how tu use them. With the Launch Character, I meet an issue; the AI’s movements are glitching after it gets launched.

If you want to launch the character in the opposite direction as the player then:

It will launch the character at a 45º angle, with a strengh of 500 in the same direction as the player’s forward vector.

Thx for your reply :wink: ! However, this blueprint doesn’t seem to solve the problem: my AI’s movements are still weird when launched. I think the Launch Character function isn’t the right function to use. I juste need to know how to make my AI move by itself in the forward direction of my player when I collide with its capsule component: no need to launch, actually…

Well, you must realize that the solution depends on your AI.

In my case, the AI is roaming between random points. Therefore this would be a solution (implemented in the AI character BP):

If it hits the player, it will move 5 meters in the forward direction of the player, and once it reaches that point, it will go back to roaming.

Your blueprint inspired me a bit ! Thx for that ! I made a little bit more complex BP for my AI. I used for example Dots equations etc… Problem solved !

Edit: Wait I have errors at the branches…