I can get a “SetFocus” blueprint sequence working and the attacking AI will shoot down at the target if it’s lower, and higher if the target is higher, but aims at the knees because that’s where the other pawn’s center is. I tried “SetFocalPoint” to change the target to the head, but that performs even worse. The attacking AI turns toward the focal point but doesn’t adjust aim higher or lower at all, ignoring the Z axis location of the focal point, just shoots waist high, even when having it fire on tick. Had the sequence spawn a debug actor to confirm that the focal point was set in the correct location, but it still refuses to shoot up at all.
The problem may be the way you are firing from point A (AI muzzle/character) to point B (the player/player’s head). If the projectile or line trace is from the AI’s muzzle to the player the adjustment will need to be made there to correctly spawn the line/projectile otherwise the end point will always be the center of the player character’s capsule root point (around the hip area) which is also the root location of the character.
Can you post a screenshot of your firing/shooting execution?
You could just add a component to your character that functions as a target, allowing for easy editing of the location.
Well the thing is that set focus only sets the focus of the AI Controller so in order to get the AI to shoot at a specific location on the character that logic has to be done during the projectile spawning/line trace, which is why I have been trying to get a look at it to point them in the right direction from where they are at.
Did you find a solution for that? I m facing pretty much the same issue
Hey guys. This seems to be a very common “problem”. My AI Pawn seems to be aiming at the pivot point of the actor (origin point). Did you guys figure an elegant way to fix that?