How do i get killed information in FPS Multiplayer

I want that when one player kills another, the killer sees the nickname of the player he killed and gets +1 number of kills. And the player who was killed, saw the nickname of his killer. I’ve tried to do this by myself, but i spend a week and still can’t. Please, tell me how can i do this in details.

I guess you are only using blueprints, right?

In that case, the way the gameplay framework is thought (Gameplay Framework | Unreal Engine Documentation) you should:

  1. From the character that is dealing the damage, use Apply Damage on Server side (A server function)
  2. The event AnyDamage should be called in the damaged actor on the server
  3. In that event, you have info about the damage causer. You can calculate there if that character gets killed. If so, you should inform the GameMode (or event better, trigger an event that the game mode should be listening).
  4. The Game Mode should send that information to the GameState, that is the one that exists in the Server and in all clients, and replicate that info, it can be an Struct contaning the kill info, like Killed and Killer.
  5. Then, the HUD should get updated based on that.

That would be my approach to solve it.

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Thank for the responce! Can you pls pls show me on screenshots if you can? I will be more grateful than ever!

I think this tutorial series will be much much helpful that a few screenshots made by me:

The part 7 is focus on Dealing Damage.

I hope you find your way to do what you need :slight_smile:

And remember to mark the question as solved if so!

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