I am having an issue with with downloading/installing/launching or compiling the editor. How can I get help resolving my issue?
We are very excited for you to use the Unreal Engine 4, so if you are experiencing any issues with having UE4 work on your system then please let us know! Epic engineers and support staff are available to work with you to troubleshoot and to try to overcome any obstacles.
If you are experiencing an issue with the Epic Games Launcher, including any issues with it downloading and installing the Unreal Engine 4, please visit http://help.epicgames.com/. A knowledge base of common solutions is provided here. If none of the solutions help you, you can use the “Email us” link on the right to get assistance with your Launcher issue. Remember to include as much information about your system and the issue you are experiencing.
If you are experiencing an issue getting the Unreal Engine to start that is not related to the Epic Games Launcher, you can make a post for that here on the Answerhub in the Installation & Setup section. Again, please remember to include as much information about the issue and your system as you can, and our support staff will offer assistance.